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Keynote Address: Need and Importance of Industry Advocacy and Education
Mark Krumenacher - GZA GeoEnvironmental and author of Quarry Regulatory Control and Permitting: Defending the Foundation of a Sustainable Society IAAP is aware that industry advocacy and education is an ongoing process and we have many great programs and Committee actions that demonstrate our Association commitment. The general public does not understand mining and the need for advocacy is amplified during almost every mine permit process which creates the routine need to defend mining – not just a mine. Industry advocacy needs to extend to other stakeholders within and outside Illinois and include a sustained concept that could with time change public awareness. Learn more about Mark and his book HERE. Aggregate Policy Seminar IDOT Policy | Andrew Stolba, IDOT Bureau of Materials Tollway Policy | Cindy Williams, IL Tollway IL Center for Transportation Research Update (Use of Fines in SMA and other Projects) | Javier Garcia Mainieri and Angeli Jayme, ICT IL Geological Survey Update | Scott Elrick and Team, ISGS Clean Fill Information and Training Session Engineer's perspective | Operator's perspective | IEPA's perspective The Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers (IAAP) and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) are cosponsoring an informational/training session for owners and operators of CCDD and USFO facilities in the State of Illinois. This training is designed for newer employees responsible for operating CCDD/USFO facilities and as a refresher for experienced operators. IEPA staff and members of the IAAP Clean Fill Division will be discussing the rules and proper operating procedures along with common violations cited. Certificates of Completion will be given to all in attendance. MSHA Policies in the Biden Administration Presenter: Nick Scala - Conn Maciel Carey As we transitioned to a new Biden Administration, questions swirled about what the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) would look like in a Biden Administration, and we all made predictions about how priorities would shift, who would be appointed to key positions, what would come of Trump-era policies. Now, a year into the Biden Administration, we will check on those predictions and take stock of the lay of the land at Biden’s MSHA, evaluating how the Department of Labor and its MSHA have changed in 2021, from the status of presidential appointments to those agencies’ rulemaking, policymaking, and enforcement activity. And of course, we will make more predictions about what employers can expect from the Biden Administration’s MSHA over the remainder of this presidential term. Tier 4 Engine Requirements: Maintenance and Other Issues Presenter: Andrew Frost - Altorfer Cat Tier 4 engines:
Mining Equipment, MM&E, and Aglime Sales Tax Exemptions Presenters: Jim Hogge and Troy Klunick - Eck, Schafer and Punke, LLP and Kye Swanson - IL Dept. of Revenue Seminar to clarify what purchases qualify for mining equipment, MM&E and aglime sales tax exemptions and educate IAAP members on the process for claiming the exemptions. Case Study: Remote Underground Investigation and Stability Analysis of a Historic Underground Limestone Mine Presenter: Alan Campoli (RESPEC) Mapping and understanding the effect of subsurface void areas, specifically historic underground mines, is important in evaluating the safety and stability of surface areas associated with the subsurface voids. Through detailed investigation and technical analysis, professionals can help identify and recommend the appropriate mitigation for any future potential land uses, both underground and on the surface. The purpose of this presentation is to provide the audience with an overview of a case study where remote underground data collection and investigation techniques were utilized to perform a stability analysis of the affected area. Remote laser scanning equipment was deployed from the surface to effectively collect visual and 3-D mapping data pertaining to the size, orientation, and location of the historic workings in relation to historic maps and data. A geotechnical stability analysis was performed based on the collected historic and field data. The completed stability analysis was used in determining the viability and recommended actions for safe commercial development of the surrounding area. Environmental Compliance for Aggregate Operators Handout: Illinois Environmental & Permit Programs Guidebook for the Mining Industry Panelists: Mike Salderelli – Ozinga, Alycia Kluenenberg – Huff & Huff, Tommy Garbacz – Vulcan Materials, Alan Campoli – RESPEC, Brad Renwick – Civil & Environmental Consultants, Josh Quinn – Bluff City Materials, Karen Crom – Beverly Materials, Steve McChesney – Hey and Associates. Panel moderated by Randy Boisvert - Hanson Material Service Discussion will center on easy-to-understand environmental compliance for your miners. The IAAP Environmental Committee will reveal a newly developed guide on complying with Illinois and U.S. environmental regulations designed for aggregate industry operators. Workforce Development and the IAAP’s Let’s Rock Campaign Presenters: Scott Clanin - Clanin Marketing, Alan Shoemaker - Tuscola Stone, Shawn McKinney – IAAP Experience the Let’s Rock campaign and all it offers to IAAP members enhancing their workforce recruitment efforts. Explore the website and see exciting videos of people working at member companies in the industry talking about their careers and why what they do is important. Learn about supporting materials that your company my use to inform potential job seekers about careers at your company. And hear from an IAAP member that has been using the campaign. |
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